Here is a shout out to my friends who can do stuff i appreciate
First my Mother is the most talented person i know. On top of being super mom she is also the biggest bargain shopper, she is a great cook and she can make almost anything. Our whole house is covered in quilts and homemade things. She definitely taught me a thing or two.
Next my Cousin Ana. i miss her SO much because when she was here we were so crafty together. I have this star in my house and it is my favorite decoration... ALL HER. we used to have these huge craft nights together. Also she can cut hair and be a super mom
Mccall and i also had craft nights. I loved that. Her house was always so cute because she is great at decorating. she is the most determined hard worker in schoolwork too!!

My aunt shari is the DigiScrap queen!! i love her work this is her latest pic. My cousin (in law) is going to have her baby boy benton any day now!!
Nicole oaks makes the coolest crafts. I am always like where did you get that and she's like "i made it" we share our ideas with each other
Sam makes the coolest bows for her daughter lexi. They are so cute!!
My friend Ashley has this talent of finding the most inspirational quotes. She is always uplifting people with them
My friend Cham got me started in making Diaper cakes. She too makes the cutest things for her daughter.
Trish is so thoughtful. She offered up a shopping buddy trip for our auction. i didn't win but i was jealous. i love that she is such a good friend that is her talent for sure

How could i forget my friend Kelsie. She is INCREDIBLE. she did the flowers at my wedding, she can cook, paint, make dresses out of leaves and news paper. You have to look at her portfolio.... click HERE
All of us crafty talented people need to be recognized. I am VERY grateful for all of you!!
:) aww, that was sweet courtney!! We'll don't be jealous, call or text me anytime and we can plan a shopping trip!!
We need to get together and do crafts. And we should make Opal do them too!
Oh man that made me feel so good, thanks! I really miss our craft nights too. Come visit and we'll have one! I miss you!
Thanks for the recognition Courtney. You are such a sweetie. So are we going to hit Porters while I'm in town?
Thanks Courtney. You are so nice! You are very crafty and talented yourself. We really need to get together again soon and do some crafts. That was fun!
Thanks for the shout out! You do have some crafty friends! You are pretty crafty yourself! You just may pass your dear old mom up!
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