Sunday, March 22, 2009

I am grateful for my testimony

I don't really share much about my religious beliefs on this blog very much but it is something i am truly thankful for. So i am going to share my testimony. If you are interested in learning more about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints check out the church's website at or feel free to talk to me.

I love my Savior Jesus Christ. I know he died to save the world from sin. He has experienced every pain we will ever go through so that he can always know how we feel. He lived his life to serve and help others. He is such an example to me and i know that the closer we are to him and the more we are like him we will be blessed.
I love my Heavenly Father. He knows me and blesses me as well as everyone else. I want him to be so proud of me just like my own father. I know that someday we can live with them again.
I know the relief society organization is inspired of God for our benefit and i am so grateful for the service i have been able to give and receive because of it.
I have personally felt the power of prayer and blessing by the laying on of hands. I know that if we pray we will be heard and that even if we don't get the answer we wanted or expected we will receive an answer that is for our good.
I know that God and Jesus Christ want us to be happy and that they won't give us any trial that we can't handle and that someday we will look back and be grateful that we have grown.
I love the priesthood power and am grateful for how it has blessed my family.
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.


Trish @ Dream On Momma said...

with a tear in my eye i agree 100% to everything you just testified. I have been praying for a few different things and I don't seem to get the answer that I want, but I know deep down that it's what I need.

Mark & Nicole Oaks said...

Thanks so much for sharing your testimony. Not many people are open enough to do that on their blogs. I love your testimony. You are awesome. Thanks for your comments. I am getting better, slowly but surely. Love ya

Shari said...

Courtney I was just reading your blog again. I check it about once a week so I don't always leave a message since it's past tense by time I get to it but I want you to know how much I love you and how grateful I am for your testimony. You have been such a wonderful example for my kids, even those that are older than you, but especially my daughter. I know she looks up to you and admires you for your strength in the Gospel and your always positive attitude. I know this school year has been a little rough, ok, a lot rough but you are getting through it and you will continue to move forward in your goals and your desire to be a teacher. You will be a teacher because the Lord needs you to teach his special children. Hang in there and know that we all love you and are very proud of all you have accomplished. Love you.