Friday, May 23, 2008

OH THANK HEAVEN for 7-Eleven

Dear 7-Eleven on Great Neck Road,

Thank you for only being a 3 miles from my house.  I can now fill my 64 ounce extreme big gulp up for only 89 cents anytime i want. I have been away from your fine establishments for so long. 
As a Slurpee Addict i have a few suggestions, 
The red light needs to go on the cherry limeaide it is a little runny... still satisfying  just a bit wet for a slurpee. Also fyi you really need to order in some dome lids, not for me but for the other slurpee drinkers in the area. Your jipping them like 2 inches of deliciousness. Your also out of blue straws.

Thanks agian,
Your Friend in the Neighborhood,

1 comment:

Ashley said...

I haven't been to a 7- 11 FOR EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!