I passed the proficiency test finally. I am so glad. i honestly felt the lift off my shoulders. If you don't know what the proficiency exam i have been struggling with i will explain if you do know what it is you can skip the following paragraph
: I am taking this class called Assessments and Evaluation. It is the hardest class in the ECSE major and the ECSE major is the hardest major on campus thus making it the hardest class at BYUI (i swear there was a study through advising) so this class all about testing students and diagnosing them with disabilities. It includes all sorts of statistics and norms that are incredibly difficult to understand because there are a thousand different things that effect the outcome. So if you know my deep anxiety when it comes to testing you can only imagine an entire class on it. Also to add even more to the situation i really don't approve of assessments and labels so i really hate the subject. Oh it is life.
Anyways so i had to get 90% and i got a 77%,80%,81%,86.5%,83%,88%, then finally a 90!%!!!! yay 7th times a charm.
I was so glad my teacher worked with me one on one to help me. I made him this candy poster. If you can't read it good enough it says "Brother Cloward, don't "SNICKER" but i wanted to Thank you "MOUNDS" for all your help. you helped me "SKCOR" my best, i wanted to "ROLO"ver and die but you we happy to "TAKE 5" and help me out. My heart and soul rand out in a SYMPHONY" thanks again Courtney Mattoon" I was, am and will always be a brown noser thanks to my mother. ha ha and its something i will pass down to my own children i am sure. but now i can finally concentrate on much more than the percentiles represented by standard deviation.
This week has been a great one full of sunshine and treats. Me and Travis went out to Applebees to celebrate, i made chicken squares for dinner and we ate cheesecake and tapioca pudding (on separate nights) All the snow is melting and its hopefully warming up. I can see that spring is here! yay
Congratulations once again Courtney! We are very proud of you and all your hard work!
P.S. Way to go on the brown nosing! You make a momma proud!
that is awesome. simply great I think. Keep up the creative genius girl! Hope life is great.
Good work Court! I am going to add your blog to mine. Love ya!
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