Reading the title describes the week i've had, i am relieved not to be homeless...
The song homeless (from the forgotten carols) has been sung over and over by Travis this week as we have been stressing out if you haven't heard this religious catchy song that gets stuck in your head i invite you to click here for a preview
We found out that University Village was a bit deceiving. My sister Clara is trying to live with us in the fall and the rule at UV is that you have to have sole custody over the people that live with you. When i talked to the housing department back in February when they recommended UV. so i was a little annoyed. They tried to play it off saying they thought i was talking about my own child coming to college. I was livid by this point saying
1) how do i look old enough to have a child in college.
2) why would i need your permission if it was my own child and
3) when i do have children i won't refer to them as "sister"
So then we were in a panic to find somewhere new because we move next month. All the places i looked into were all for the fall. So that is 7 weeks to be homeless because we sold our contract for the apt we live in now. 2 other places gave us hope and then fell through. but finally we found a cute little 2 bedroom in our price range right by porter park. It is called "the woodshed" and travis has made plenty of jokes about taking people out to beat them. But they are nice and we are excited.
I am getting closer and closer to my "Portfolio interview" and i just need to finalize everything. It's not really stressing me out like i thought it would i just want to make it creative and struggling with trying to make it my own and memorable. So if you have any ideas on spicing up a speech let me know.
I finished my purse. I love it. i am so excited it is done. My sewing machine is a trooper although i have a feeling its going to need to be replaced soon enough.
Also i have been doing Indexing for family history. It is so fun for me. Kinda like detective work as you try and decode old cursive handwriting from the 1900s. I called my grandma j for some tips and its been a lot of fun trying it out.
My friend sarah had her baby on Saturday too and we went to see her. she has the fullest lips i've ever seen on a baby. She was like making this kissing sound and her dad was like "nuh uh your not starting that already" it was funny.
Pretty much that was the excitement of the week. I am excited for this upcoming week and finalizing all my projects. I'll keep you posted.
P.S. I am super wife and did 7 loads of laundry last night... or maybe i shouldn't brag about that since its been so long since i did laundry last i washed everything we owned pretty much.
i am sad that you have to move out of the complex!!! we MUST stay in touch. :)
I LOVE your purse, great job! you are "super-sewing-courtney"!
See you tomorrow night.
thanks for watching our fish. :)
hey there! sorry to hear about your homeless adventure. isn't it amazing though how well everything just falls into place. i know it's too late because you have found a place, but i thought i would pass this along anyways. when jared and i first got married we went through a company called rentmaster when looking for an apartment. they do houses and duplexes and stuff. try rentmaster.com if you need to in the future. hope all is well!
You are so funny! 7 loads in one night is quite an accomplishment. Thank goodness you found an apt too! And I absolutely love your bag - hands down you are the queen of crafts.
Hi Courtney, this is Jessica Attkisson, I was really excited to hear from you, thank you for your wonderful comment! Oddly enough after reading your blog... we actually live in University Villege and I would love it if you guys came and visited and I'm sure LaVon and Kathleen would love it too and not to mention Shelby! If it's too weird that's ok don't feel like you have to. But anyways we live in # 1307 and our number is 356-4059.
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