Here is how I did....
1. Read the BOM in 2 months COMPLETED
2. Cook dinner 4 nights a week at least COMPLETED
3. Learn to cook 14 meals I can cycle through like my mom does 14/14 COMPLETED
4. Make a 100 things that make me happy list COMPLETED
5. Get certified to be a teacher
6. Evaluate my goals monthly COMPLETED
7. Go on a date with Travis once a month COMPLETED
8. Bear my testimony in Church on Fast Sunday or Speak in Sacrament COMPLETED
9. Drink 8 glasses of water a day for a week
10. Make Halloween Costume for me and Travis COMPLETED
11. Go camping COMPLETED
12. Check out a children’s book once a week for a month COMPLETED
13. Find out what is wrong with my body COMPLETED
14. Write down 50 things I like about myself
15. Get family picture taken every year (3/3) COMPLETED
16. Buy a CTR ring for my pinky finger
17. Mark at least one verse in every page of the Book of Mormon
18. Take Family 200 with travis COMPLETED
19. Memorize the Proclamation of the Family COMPLETED
20. Make a cross-stich picture of Christ
21. Finish printing out the rest of my wedding pictures for the album COMPLETED
22. Make my mom a birthday present COMPLETED
23. Get a picture of all my relatives to make flashcards for a future baby COMPLETED
24. Knit a beanie COMPLETED
25. Buy a new scripture case that is more “wifey” COMPLETED
26. Invite a couple to dinner once a month for 6 months 6/6 COMPLETED
27. Decide on baby names that Travis and I both like COMPLETED
28. Get pregnant
29. Graduate from COLLEGE COMPLETED
30. Help Travis get his Associates before we leave Rexburg COMPLETED
31. Get the academic scholarship for BYU-I COMPLETED
32. Go home 4 times (10/4) COMPLETED
33. Start a Journal of me and Travis’ relationship
34. Start carrying around a purse like a real women COMPLETED
35. Learn Sign Language to use with children COMPLETED
36. Pay off student loans using a savings plan
37. Do something creative and cute (as a surprise) once a month for Travis COMPLETED
38. Make a list of characters in the scriptures and their attributes that I want to emulate
39. Evaluate my Christ-like attribute (in PMG) every 3 months COMPLETED
40. Go to a temple wedding COMPLETED
41.Pass Science COMPLETED
42. Learn to use coupons and use them once a month COMPLETED
43. Make a craft once a week for 2 months and blog it COMPLETED
44. Be able to name all the states in the US COMPLETED
45. Know all the 12 apostles by name and photo COMPLETED
46. Make my bed when I get up everyday for a month COMPLETED
47. Read the whole Conference edition ensign
48. Memorize the Temple Endowment
49. Learn to play golf COMPLETED
50. Get an album cover and name all my songs on Itunes
51. Make a difference
52. Finish my Doctrine Journal by adding D&C notes
53. Help Travis make a 101 goal list… maybe we’ll shoot for 10
54. Keep in contact with Whit, Kels and Heather by calling or e-mailing twice a month COMPLETED
55. Keep apartment spotless for a week COMPLETED
56. Meet my neighbors COMPLETED
57. Do my Visiting Teaching COMPLETED
58. Organize my lesson plans into folders COMPLETED
59. Buy a cashmere sweater COMPLETED
60. Buy a peacoat COMPLETED
61. Get new glasses (brown frames) or lasik or get used to my contacts COMPLETED
62. Go to General Conference in Utah with Travis because he’s never been
63. Learn to ride my bike… again COMPLETED
64. Figure out taxes so I can finally get some money back COMPLETED
65. Write one thing on my blog every week
66. Donate blood
67. Can Applesauce COMPLETED
68. Hang up pictures of Travis and I (not just wedding) COMPLETED
69. Meet more of my relatives on Travis’ side COMPLETED
70. Improve my handwriting COMPLETED
71. Renew my Driver’s license COMPLETED
72. Take pictures in a photo booth with Travis
73. Color an Entire coloring book COMPLETED
74. Swim in one of the great lakes or see another historic landmark COMPLETED
75. Make a playlist of music to get me up in the morning
76. Buy something I really want and give it to someone else COMPLETED
77. Get a library card COMPLETED
78. Write a letter to a general authority
79. Write 12 thank you cards a year for random appreciation COMPLETED
80. Take and pass the Praxis COMPLETED
81. Buy a new charm for my charm bracelet to represent my married life COMPLETED
82. Go skiing
83. Start building my own library of children’s books for my future classroom COMPLETED
84. Get over my fear of horses and dogs COMPLETED
85. Learn the cycle of the moon COMPLETED
86. Rent a movie to teach me some sign language COMPLETED
87. Read a motivational book COMPLETED
88. Make a baby quilt for someone in my ward COMPLETED
89. Help the girls in my home ward adjust to college life COMPLETED
90. Update my “person I want to become” list
91. Draw a picture for Chloe and mail it to her
92. Learn to type with out looking at the keys COMPLETED
93. Try new hair products to help my hair curl COMPLETED
94. Make a list of 100 good qualities and star the ones I have
95. Take a picture of me and Travis doing something once a month COMPLETED
96. Buy something off QVC or home shopping network COMPLETED
97. Own a WSU jersey so I can match my hubby on game days COMPLETED
98. Pay for the person behind me in a drive-thru
99. Take a trip to celebrate graduation/anniversary
100. Make a things to do with Travis list
101. Make another 101 list before this one is over
71/101. 70% Not bad for my first list. Now on to the next one!