Friday, October 31, 2014

October nutshell

I'm so glad I live in a world with Octobers. Anne of green gables. 

Masons imagination has really taken off lately he is always imagining things and making up stories. I love when he uses objects for something else like a block for a phone or in this picture a tipped over rocking horse as his car seat in a rocket ship. He also turns on our fireplace and pretends to put out the fire. 
Mason got in and played in this for a long time. Easily entertained. 
Sunday best! He was saying he was going to be a ladies man. He also said he looked like the prophet and the bishop and uncle buddy and chase. He also started laughing and made a joke when he said he looked Like uncle Eric who didn't even wear a suit to his wedding 
Masons looking stylish in his new 3t clothes. I swapped out all his clothes. I gave most of his 2t clothes to a friend. She was so happy and grateful. She even gave me a gift card to sugar britches. 
I made this ninga turtles blanket. He needed a bigger blanket because ever since my mom came to visit he's been sleeping on the futon. I rearranged his room and put the toddler bed in the closet and now he has so much more room for activities. Ha ha
Cute boy in his new clothes. Cute mama in her new dress. 

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