Monday, March 31, 2014

Basic training graduation day. Finally!

A lot of people graduated! A lot! And I was nervous they were going to announce everyone butthey didn't. Fewf. Especially since it was about 30 degrees and freezing wind!! On the way back to base, mason got carsick so Renee stayed with him in the hotel room. It was actually a big blessing since it was so cold and much more boring. Lots of marching. 
(Photo by Kate Dooley)
Travis looked so handsome in his uniform. 
Travis and his parents. 
Cute hubs and I. (Making sure we are following PDA rules)
Travis and his battle buddy Zach Dooley (according to Travis the only one worth meeting)
Travis and chuck. Air Force vs Army National Guard. Even though he couldn't quite stand in attention anymore. 
Travis and his proud mama

Travis and Jim! 
A couple more of Travis and I. Trying to be serious or at least make him crack a smile in uniform. 
Travis and I with Kate and Zach Dooley (Travis' battle buddy and his wife!) we've become long distance friends! It's been great!!

After graduation we got to take Travis back to charolette to chuck and Renee's. It was so nice!!

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