Saturday, December 29, 2012

11 month progressions

I just my happy smiley almost-1-year old!

Mason's 11 month progressions

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas card poem 2012

We started the year with the birth of our son
Watching him grow has been so much fun

He is silly like his mom but stubborn like dad 
His little bit of sass and his two dimples Make us glad

We had a little scare there for a bit
Courtney had complications that just didn't quit 
But it brought us closer and stronger than ever 
And we are so relieved to have our family sealed together

Mason is our little peanut and still pretty small
Travis coached second grade girls basketball.

We enjoy working at the ranch getting things done
The dogs love to have room to run and run and run

Preparing for our life on our future farm
Travis now owns a truck and a new fire arm

This summer we lost travis' grandpa oriville, way too early
He was so loved and will be missed dearly

We also participated in the Kulm family reunion
Courtney is better thanks to her iron infusion

Courtney changed jobs and loves Teaching headstart in Pullman Now
She still crafts and sews as much as time will allow

Travis finished his last semester of classes but he won't walk
Now onto his internship with Spokane shock

This next year we will finish up school and move onto new things
For five years of marriage that's all we've known we will see what it brings

We appreciate the love and prayers sent our way
We love you and want to say

Happy New Years!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Mason's first visit with Santa

My mom loves Santa pictures. Last year was the first time we didn't see Santa (since Christian is in Canada). We knew how excited she was for Mason's first picture with Santa so I wanted to make sure he wasn't scared. I visited all the free Santa's around town. Practice made perfect and Mason loved Santa and we got lots of cute pictures. These are the ones we bought. SO cute! Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Beard hat

My friend Josie made mason (and travis) beard hats this year for Christmas. I made her girls some doll clothes for a trade. I thought mason looked so cute in his and so I wanted some dad and son photos. Travis even cooperated for the most part!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

10 Month Progressions

Mason's ten month progressions

He is getting much harder to photograph! Always moving and climbing!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Nike sweats

Travis and I picked up this Nike sweats before mason was born. Travis loved them which is saying a lot since he couldn't care less when I showed him baby stuff. He looks so cute! I'm raising a Nike snob just like his daddy.

Multi tasking

At its finest. Travis always comes up with ways to entertain mason so he can continue with his own activities.

The other day I came home form work and mason had mittens on. I asked why and Travis said he can't put anything in his mouth with them on.

Make a mess

Always with the DVDs. Everytime

Muggle born

I've had this on my to-do list for a long time and I finally did it. A muggle born onesie for my little pot-head.
Ps I love this hat too

Masons first nativity

My mom bought mason a nativity this year. It is a great set with a stable, wise men, and animals and of course Mary joesph and baby Jesus. He loves it and I can't wait to teach him the Christmas story.


Mason and I stayed the night at Jess and Geoff's this weekend while Travis was out of town. The kids enjoyed their first cousin sleepover!


Great grandma Halseth (GG) makes the best spaghetti.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Look who's finally 15 pounds

Mason went to the doctor for his 9 month checkup. He is "pretty much perfect" and is now finally 15 pounds! He is now in the 1 Percentile instead of the 3rd. Doctor said he looked good though and she wasn't concerned. He is just our little peanut still.


I'm lucky to have such a smiley baby!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Harry pot-a-thon

We did it!! We have talked about it forever and we finally did it! The dunns and us (and the clements for most of it) We watched all 8 Harry potter movies (19 hours) in a row. We started on Friday. Slept. Woke up and finished all the rest. It was long but of course awesome. This should be on everyone's bucket list!

9 months

Crazy that Mason has been out longer than he was in!!! Crazier still is that I found out I was pregnant over 18 months ago!! I love my lil man more than I thought possible. Our lives are completely changed.
Some new things he is doing now
Crawls everywhere and pulls to stand on everything including the dogs, couch, my legs, the wall everything.
Has limp legs when ever we hold his hands to walk. Immediately after we let go he crawls away super fast
He knows he's cute and shows off to anyone willing to watch.
Loves to feed himself. He tries just about anything. Jaimie feeds him healthy things like bran and black beans. At restaurants he wants whatever we eat. I hate sharing everything. He loves Cheerios and cereal too
Still loves the bath even puts his face in.
Still sleeps through the night. Usually 8-8.
Calls aunt Clara on FaceTime and tells her sad stories
Loves peek a boo more than any other baby I have ever seen
Also loves when Travis throws pillows at him to knock him down.

Progression collage 1-9

How did this happen? How did time go by so fast?!

9 month progression

8 month progression.